
was sitting in a little restaurant with my book, coffee, and patty melt, and in the adjacent booth two elderly ladies were going on and on about something, speaking loudly (as elderly ladies sometimes do) and I wanted, somehow, to move to another table, if I could do it without seeming mean or rude, since I was hoping to settle into some kind of solitary respite, in my little booth, from worries and etc., and . . .

then I started to listen. They were talking about movies. Lady 1 was complaining about their mutual friend, who always insisted on seeing the movies that she wanted to see, and never a movie that anyone else wanted to see, and that her taste in movies was questionable. Then they talked about Black Panther--about Chadwick Boseman, the tragedy, and their mixed feelings about his virtual stand-in. And then about Avatar, and . . .

I, charmed, delighted, stopped reading and wanted to hang out with the ladies, to play some scrabble, to shovel their sidewalks :)

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