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Slowing down in post production.

I havent made the movie yet. I only have a treatment as of now but
is it wise to do slow-mo in post production, like zach snyder style slo mo and some miniature work?
You don't even need extra software to slow it down. In most NLE packages there is an INTERPRET FOOTAGE control where you can play 60 frames per second back at 24 without artifacting.

I think moonshield means that you can use Twixtor to slow down the footage even more than the 60 fps.
I tested Twixtor and After Effects with slowing down: it's not the holy grail ;) (I got better results with After Effects, btw).
Digital slowdown means 'making extra frames' between existing frames; it can be done in a few situations and it's terrible in other situations (with busy backgrounds or organic movements like hair and water).

Nothing beats shooting at higher framerates.
Do some tests before you start shooting; it may save you some trouble and dissappointment with your project.