In Final Cut (only thing I've tested with):
1. Place your clip on a timeline (I like to make a new sequence to work with clips).
2. Double click the clip to bring it up in the viewer window
3. Apply the deinterlace filter (I think it's in the Video filter/Video subfolders)
4. Click the filters tab in the viewer window
5. Pull the Field pull-down Menu to Upper(Odd)
6. Render the clip (select and hit apple(command)-R)
7. Pull down the File > Export > Using Quicktime Conversion...
8. Pull down the Format pull-down menu to Image Sequence
9. Under options... right next to it, select an image format (prefereably something that doesn't compress in a lossy manner - TIFF is a good choice)
10. Under the Options in there, Best depth and none for compression.
11. Fit the naming to the convention called for in the script (when you start up the script, it'll show you the naming convention)
12. save the sequence to a new folder on the desktop
13. repeat steps 5-11 with Lower(Even) fields selected saving to the same folder as before
14. Hide Final Cut (under the final cut menu)
15. find the folder you've created on the desktop and duplicate it (cmd-d - always work on a backup)
16. run the script and select the backup folder you've just created (for real fun, keep the folder window open while you run it

17. when the script stops, go back into final cut
18. Under Final Cut > User Preferences > Editing > Still/Freeze Duration = 00:00:00:01
19. Create a new sequence (or just delete the clip from the timeline and use the one you were using before)
20. In the project window, ctrl-click (right-click) and import > folders
21. Select the duplicate folder and let FC do its thing.
22. open the new bin (folder) that is created and select all (cmd-a)
23. drag the series of pix to the timeline...they should propogate in order
24. Export again as Quicktime so you can have a clip that doesn't have to re-render 1000 images with every change
25. Import the resulting QT file and use as you would any other movie clip.
I tried making a plug in that would do this automagically, but it needed to be a double pass operation, and I couldn't figure that part this clunky process is what I have to offer.
Here is the script: