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watch Sierra Leone video montage

Hey guys, I just got back from my trip to Sierra Leone and decided to make a montage video of the footage I shot whilst out there. The trip was a youth exchange through an organisation called One World Link, where 6 young people (including me) went out to Bo, Sierra Leone to teach leadership skills, ICT skills and talk about global issues. Our district in the UK is linked with theirs so our friendship is very strong, 31 years in the making. If you would like more information about the trip check out this link:


What I'm really asking for is your constructive feedback on my short film. Please if you can leave a comment suggesting any improvements that would be much appreciated.

Here is the link to my film:


I'm looking forward to your feedback

Tom :)

P.S The music is Sierra Leonean so it is a bit cheesy
Hey now, easy with the cheesy remarks, that's some authentic Sierra Leonean music right there! :) Full disclosure - Sierra Leone is the country of my birth (Kono district to be specific) and I enjoyed your short because it brought back some nice memories. I remember going to schools that looked just like that and farming on hills like those in the horizon. I see you even caught a shot of a "devil" there, huh? LOL. Yeah I am flooded with a bit of nostalgia right now...

But to the montage! I thought it was a bit dark, not sure if it was an exposure thing or a color/grading issue. The colors never popped for me and there is a bit of color in most of those shots that want to "sing" if you will. Plus your vignette draws too much attention to itself (I could be wrong, maybe it's just me on that).

The highlights were fun to watch for me because I can relate to a lot of those visuals. I would like to know how others who cannot relate so easily feel about it. It's a highlight reel so to speak so I could not perceive any story there.

Overall, I liked it. Nice job and the cheesy music helped add that little bit of "sauce" to it for me.

Thanks for sharing and for your good work with the people of Sierra Leone.
Wow thank you for your great response! :) It's nice to hear that my video brings back so many of your memories. Thank you for the advice, I will definitely try to sort out the colour correction and make the shots look more lively. All the footage was shot on a little Panasonic HD camcorder, so a tiny chip like that doesn't deliver the results I particularly want.

I'm glad you like the music. I was quite sceptical of using it at first because it is quite different to what we're use to hearing in the west, but it seems it fits the video quite well.

Again thank you for the feedback. Oh and if you're interested in One World Link you should check out their website. :)



Tom :)
Very nice read, that OWL stuff. You guys do wonderful work. Next time you're there stop by the Kono district if you can, we are further east of Kenema and are cousins to the Mende people of the south.

The more I watch this the more I catch in the flashbacks. I like it. Keep up the good work.