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watch Sidewalk Bowling teaser trailer

I threw this together yesterday, it's the trailer for my submission to the wndx film festival, probably to be handed in on the day of the deadline, may 13th.

I'm going to explore people's issues with feeling safe in the community, self-esteem and if I have time, paranoid schizophreonia. I'm going to do it by having my characters narrarate their soliloquoys as they go around to do both normal everyday things, and also punks being punks.

I sort of see myself as somewhere between Tom Green, William S Burroughs, and Harmony Korine. It'll be thick with cursing and ascerbicness, but will turn out to have a moral in the end and will help people see what their misunderstanding and shortfalls are in thinking and acting out their everyday lives, not like gummo or kids (korine films) where everything just goes wrong, I wanna capture the psychological intensity of those films and mould it into a positive moral.

There's a fire alarm going off at 00:40 that I'm not bothered to edit out at the moment.

I'm going to be honest with you, I didn't really get it.

The slowed down voice was impossible (for me at least) to comprehend, so that didn't work for me. I assume the other voice that comes in was saying the same thing (I picked up some similar words) but I still don't get what's going on. Also the shot looks a little out of focus to me, but that might just be YouTube's compression.

On the YT page it says that this is an intro, whereas here you say it's a teaser trailer. I don't know the story of your film so I can't comment on whether it works as an intro but it makes no sense as a trailer- I've come away from seeing that with no comprehension of what your film's about...
it's about hearing peoples soliloquoy's, showing how bad everyone's self-esteem is, pointing out the misunderstandingss people have about their self-images, basically just a movie about people.

I appreciate that the slowed down voice might only be audible to myself, the truth is, I'm gonna go through as many cheesy effects in a 3 week period as possible, that's what they did in Easy Rider, and that was a cool movie.

Again, I can only emphasize that I want to capture real life human beings in their strengths and pettiness', with a point that I think will motivate anyone to be involved with it -- that, "feeling safe", on the street and around town, is really a social issue that kind of magnetizes interest, I think more filmakers should be about it.

I guess there isn't much of a "story" in that, but it's ripe fertilizer.

edit: it could be either a trailer or intro, im not stringent about dictionary definitions
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