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Time-line playback is so cool.

I shot some SkateBoard video. And there was a change I needed to make to the player. Have the video start a couple seconds before the trick at "regular speed" then right at the trick switch to "slow-mo" then on landing of the jump switch back to "regular speed"


Get political with video... I just videoed in some political statements. Way quicker than typing

160 questions for local candidates

So far 4 of the 11 have answers up on my web site.


The latest answers came on hand written paper. 16 Pages in all. I just videoed them as 4 seperate groups of 4 pages. The Upload time was 4 hours. I probably could have typed them in quicker. But this was the easiest way.

there is a forum on Wednesday 26Oct2011 at 7:00 we will try and force the issue that the candidates get to pull their random question from a HAT.

The CoC format is 3 know questions answered by all 11 candidates Booo

The Chamber of Commerce has stole the last forum from the people of Oliver and Osoyoos we can't let this happen twice.

The last all candidates forum for the Federal Election was CLOSED to the Public. Just town councils, accredited media and CoC members. That was the absolute worst forum I have ever heard of. We want the names of all that attended

Maybe if we take over completely we will ask the CoC to LEAVE

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