archived-videos Short NYC Film Trailer

Very Interesting

At first i wasn't too thrilled with the trailer. It lacked any info on the film. But after tooling around on the film's site, I realize the meaning of the trailer. I just think that outstanding visuals with no evidence of story in the trailer is gonna make Joe Average turn away from this flick.

Hey, thanks for the critique! Actually, I'm worried the whole film may be a bit too abstract. As for the trailer, I am planning on revising it but I've been so busy in post. It's a constant learning process. I do appreciate your comments...thanks again.


If the movie is abstract, this trailer is perfect. If it as an abstract film, it isn't for Joe Average. I was teased by the trailer, don't get me wrong. I just felt that the average viewer would come away saying, "Huh?" But if the movie is like that, then the average viewer's gonna say that anyway. I'm a firm believer in marketing a film as it is. One thing that gets to me is when I go to see a movie with a funny trailer and the movie is some weird drama, or visa versa.

Anyway, just wanted to try and clarify.

i thought it was great!
the visuals put me in a rapture.
i hope the story is there,
but just as a teaser, it had me
intrigued. good work.

glass .. half empty for some.. half full for others.
I liked the visuals, however, if it is supposed to be a teaser, it's just too long. Teasers should be short, short. This just seemed to meander without telling me anything about the story.

- Mike.