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Short Horror Script Wanted

We are looking for short psychological horror script that we would like to shoot this autumn. The film should not be more then 15 minutes long. We did not find any suitable script yet that is why we would like to ask for your help. We are looking for stories with a twist. No zombies or gore. One of the lead character should be female. It is fine if the main character is originally male as long as it can be rewritten for female actress.

We are production company Widei Films. We have years experience in filmmaking and post production so you can be sure that if we like your script in will be made. You can find more information about us on www.widei-films.com. We don't have any big budget for this production so we are offering deferred payment.

Please send us your synopsis or scripts on email address dita@ditapesek.co.uk
So you want to make an indy horror movie without taking advantage of some of the greatest things about indy cinema, there are'nt as many rules, now I'm all for new ideas,and I can understand not wanting torture porn, but c'mon! There's limits!