Short film idea - "Curtain Call"

I've had an idea for a short, this one will be easy for me to cast as it'll all be teen characters.
It's about three people (2 male, one female) who need to learn and perform Shakespeare monologues for a theatre class. The idea is, as they perform them more, they simply get... Overcome by them, for instance, one monologue I'm using is "to be or not to be" so there would be Hamlet's element of madness and such involved, and I'm using a Lady Macbeth one so there would be that certain passion and sort of... Bloodlust emerging from these characters into the actors.
Then an enigma character, who says very little and is sort of a representation of an abstract is introduced and he speaks to the three individually and then it would become more surreal and such.
Although I'm not sure how to develop the plot too much or have an ending I like the idea :)

What do people think and could people maybe help me out on developing it/creating an ending? :)