Short documenary question-

So there's a local bar in town with a dance room in it that's sort of a cult phenomenon. I thought about shooting a short documentary on it just for kicks and to get some practice in. Biggest realistic expectation is that it's shown for free at local arthouse theatre.
Needless to say, I'm aware that I would need to get the owner's permission for shooting, but if he says no, am I screwed? Could I even do it at all? And furthermore, if he lets me loose with a camera, do I need to get release forms from every drunken reveler in the place?
I'm planning to get two cute co-eds to talk to him and position it as good PR (which it is, I'm a fan of the place) but I'd still like to get some educated or experienced opinions before giving it a shot...
You'll also need to get permission/attain rights for all the music heard in the background. Offering your work for free doesn't allow you to offer other artists work for free.
You can shoot whatever you want as long as you're OK dealing with all the legal crap that comes with it. Sure, signed release forms are ideal, but if you get to a point where you really want to make the documentary, just shoot it. Footage in the can is GOLD. That process in and of itself would be worth it. :) Just my O.