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watch Short Action Films

Hey Guys

Im new here this is my first post. My name is Jake!

I make videos weekly for youtube. Im currently working on a series called Short Action Films (SAF).
They are just random scenes that i enjoy making. I hope you enjoy watching.

Here is a few, please leave feedback and subscribe if you like.

Forest Shootout

Sniper Scene

Drug Bust



Looks like someone bought "Action Essentials II" from Video Copilot...

You can marry the effects into the scenes a little better with some color correction. If you had a MacBeth color chart in that lighting, you would see how "red" is supposed to look then match the blood to that. It's obviously too bright red when there is some serious desaturation to the magentas on that single chip HD camera.

I agree that random action scenes don't mean much without some kind of story. If the "actors" can't do lines, try to tell the story visually without dialogue. MOTIVATE the action. Give us a reason to care why they are shooting at each other, even if it's a flimsy excuse, it will matter.

The editing was tight, and cool though. There is a lot of talent there. Take it to the next level and you'll be swinging at the fences in no time.