Seeking Shorts, Animation, etc…

We are looking for short films. It is a community site that fuses artists with fans in a unique way, and are going to start film and animation on it soon.

You may delete the films at any point, or choose to leave them up forever, the choice is yours.
We will host your art indefinetily for free, as long as you choose for it to be up on our site.

We already have a site up for music, and are looking to add films and animation to this site. We already have Music Videos on the site to see how your film is going to look, encoded at 300 kbs, 100 kbs (isdn), and 56 kbs (dial-up).

The only prerequisite is that you must own all the rights to your art...

Only completed pieces please. Looking for the following:

· Short Films
· Music Videos
· Animation
· Experimental
· Viral
· Trailers
· Anything worth putting online!

If this interests you, please email me through indietalk.

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