Seeking resources for shooting in Africa (Kenya)


Just wondering if anyone can give advice, or point me to a resource for shooting DV in Africa, specifically Kenya. I'll be doing some basic documentary shooting (talking heads, B-Roll) with a two-person crew, a shoestring budget, and the following equipment:

  • One Sony PD-170 Camera
  • One Audio Technica VHF Wireless Mic
  • One Lowel DV Creator 1 Lighting Kit
  • One Sennheiser Shotgun (mounted on-camera, most likely)

So, specifically:
  • How should I power the lights?
  • Are there businesses that supply in-country converters for 240 to 120, or should I look into a 12V setup?
  • Will there be any tariffs for bringing in equipment?
  • Are there any environmental factors I need to take into account for proper protection of the equipment?
  • Any other resources (online or offline) that I should know about that will help me with such questions?

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!