Seeking idependent Films and Shorts to Feature on my Website


I own and operate a Movie forum Website called The MoviePlex ( We are a Movie forum Comunity of serious Cinephiles who watch and discuss current and past Cimema.

I would like to open a new Sub Forum in our Independent Film Forum called "The New Indi Filmmakers Series' that showcases just that New Independent Filmakers Movies and Shorts. I am looking for filmakers out there that would like thier have their movies posted on my site. We are a closed community but have over 17,345 Registered members and have about 2000 Unique Logins a day.

This is the PERFECT venue to showcase your work and get direct feedback in a more focused way than on YouTube.

We are looking for submissions of all types and Genres. (NO Pornography please) Your Movie must be hosted and uploaded on a 3rd party website such as YouTube, GoogleVid, MegaVid, SuperNovaTube, Veoh, StageVu or any other 3rd Party Hosting site.

Just send me the link where hosted and any information about your work. (Synopsis, Cast List, etc. and if you want FEEDBACK and I will post your work on my site for my memebers to veiw.)

I hope this idea appeals to some of you out there. i would really love to get some New Indi work out there for my members.

I can be reached via email at

Thank you.