Seeking Camera Advice

I know this thread has been made a thousand times, but I've been reading everything I can come across and still feel nearly completely lost. When I was first being taught how to work on a set, digital video and the XL1S were the reigning kings, but it seems like the camera industry exploded while I took time off to go work in a corporate setting where I did not have to worry about upgrading equipment. I thought I'd see if anyone has any suggestions regarding newer cameras on the market or if the older cameras are still preferable.

I'm looking to buy a video camera at around the $2500 mark. This is for the base camera - hopefully I will be able to add a DoF adapter (Jag35?) and some lenses somewhere down the line to improve the system? I find myself wishing I could get my hands on a Red Scarlet so I don't waste my time improving something I won't need later, but as far as I can tell they have not released the scarlet as of yet? And god knows what amounts of money it would take to throw all the kit I want on a Scarlet. I still need to have money left over for lighting and other other concerns.

This camera means a LOT to me - I've been working a long time to be able to get to a point where I can get a camera and make my film. That day has finally come! I've been reading and researching in preparation, but I really feel overwhelmed by the different ways I can go with this purchase - a lot of options. I know it comes down to talent, lighting, script, and blood - but I need a camera to love for the next few years before upgrading again or getting another to add to the workflow.

Looking into Canon... I don't see anything I like for under $4000. The XHA1 Seems really good but expensive. Then there are the less professional models from Canon, like the HV40 and the HF-S100... my big problem is that I worry those working with me will view me as less professional if I show up with something that looks like that. Anyone have any experience or thoughts on that? The HV40 does have "true" 24p though, which is great (also I kinda like mini dv for some reason - must just be used to it).

Looking into Panasonic... I'm drawn towards the DVX100 for the 24p mode, but it doesn't seem to offer HD capabilities so that's a bit of a deal breaker.The HMC150 is something I've just become recently aware of - seems to be a pretty solid camera? The HPX170 is nice, but little too pricey. (~$3500, P2, 24p, HD). I like the HMC40 but would like to hear from someone who has used one before. And I'm not sure if it shoots 16:9? Moving further down the product line is the HDC-TM300... but again I worry about not being taken professionally. Even though it seems like an TM300 with a DoF adapter could make some pretty wicked imagery.

Looking into Sony... I definitely like the price of the HDR-FX7, but the lens seems a bit crappier than most. And no XLR support but I really could care less about having to record sound separately. The HD1000U looks like a solid camera for the price but looks to only shoot 1080i.

Looking into JVC... I've come across the GY-HM100U which looks pretty nice. I can't find anything I don't like about it, but that just makes me think I missed something! (A bit cynical, I know)

I'm guessing there are good cameras from Canon/Panasonic/Sony/JVC that I may have missed? And then I'm sure that there are brands that I've never heard or read of that may be better, if less known. I'd be down to go with a more exotic camera provided it performs well.

I guess what I'm really looking for is something with these qualities: Roughly $2500, upgradeable, 24p, HD, and 16:9 (preferably while in 24p).

I will be using this camera tirelessly for as many projects as I can possibly do. I fret over the purchase because I will be spending more time with it than anyone, so I need it to be a true friend to me! Haha. Anyhow, much thanks for any advice anyone is willing to give - pros and cons that they have found for any of the models I've listed based on their experience. Again, thank you.

- JM

Will be used mostly for features, likely field news/docu on the side. Possibly some fashion shooting, but I don't want to base the camera around anything but for use on a feature.
Most bang for your buck in the $2500 range - I would pick the HMC150. However, I think you will have to put another $500 with your $2500 to buy one. it records in 1080 24p, has "film" like presets, XLR inputs and a 3 year factory warranty.
The media for the HMC 150 is simple and cheap since it records to SDHC cards, which are dirt cheap (and reusable) compared to P2 or tapes. Excellent quality. Go to vimeo and search HMC150 and you will find a good sample of HMC footage.

Good Luck!

Much thanks for the advice, Michigan. It's a bit on the expensive side - how well do you think it will handle in low light situations? Haha, might not have the cash for the lights.

I'd be careful with that, cstegner. From what I can find online, strikes me as a very shady retailer.

It's a good price... but 49 out of every 50 reviews I can find for the company are horrific.