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watch second video/episode of my web series

I took some advice from some of you from the first video/episode (http://www.indietalk.com/showthread.php?t=49695) and tried to improve it a little bit. I know the lighting is not the best (I "produced" it and I am not a film production with massive equipment or even any money lol) + the weather was grey and rainy and we didn't have electricity to use soft box lights :(

But I tried to make it little bit better from the previous one

Have a look and feel free to judge :D :cool:
Please also comment on youtube and give it a LIKE? :P


Lukas :)

or if you don't want to watch it on youtube just watch here in a small screen

I think that it has the same problems than before, it is all over the place, accents are a bit hard to follow etc but in the same time it is all those issues that have actually improved the show. So I do look forward to seeing next episode because the whole show is just so strange that it will be interesting to see what will happen next.