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Scripts to flicks - looking for a short film script to turn into a movie

Hi folks,

Just a heads up that I am hosting an initiative and calling out for short film scripts to be turned into films.

Full details of the project are here: http://mattyler.provisionaustralia.com.au/news/scripts-to-flicks/

In summary, I am a passionate and experienced director/filmmaker with a few projects already under my belt. I'm currently working on a couple of feature length projects. However, with it being a long process, I would like to remain active on as many projects as possible in the interim. Not only will this initiative help me to expand my repertoire of short film projects, but hopefully get some exposure and recognition to an up-and-coming screenwriter as well.

I won't be purchasing any scripts, and so the reward for the writer who's film I turn into a movie will of course be seeing their idea come to life! If you would like to see my previous work and experience, all is on the website in the link above.

Please have a read of the article and let me know if you are interested in submitting a script. Rest assured, I guarantee full protection of all ideas and none will be distributed to anybody but myself.

