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Script Review

Hey I have a script draft I wrote up. It is for a short that I left very open for sequels and prequels and adaptation into a feature. I love the idea and it is very loosely based off of the idea behind my inFAMOUS fanfiction. If you could please look at this link here: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&...OWMyYS00ZDQ0LTgwNTYtZDY3YzA2N2U5NzZm&hl=en_US
and comment on this post with your thoughts, I would appreciate it. I am not saying my idea or anything is very great or explained well in this script but I am trusting the people in this community to not steal my idea or "change it" and call it their own. Thanks for your help. :D
You have some problems with the formatting and the dialogue.

Formatting Issues
-- In CeltX, after a parenthetical, you need to hit return to shift to the dialogue mode. You have several cases where the dialogue is formatted like the parenthetical.
-- Be careful not to put acting direction in a parenthetical.

                   JOEY KLEIN
           (standing up straight and
           saluting to an unseen person
           off screen) Hello King
           Greamer. It is a pleasure to
           make your acquaintance

should be

Joey stands and salutes towards the stairs.

                     JOEY KLEIN
      Hello, King Greamer.  It's a pleasure to make
      your acquaintance.

-- Voice over (V.O.) and Off Screen (O.S.)/Off Camera (O.C.) go after the character's name

(V.O.) My parents

(off screen) Justin, Jason, we

become  TYLER LE'MOIRE (V.O.)    and   KING GREAMER (O.S.)

This is confusing:
JUSTIN looks to Tyler, eyes glowing ORANGE. TYLER’s body is
slowly shrouded in ORANGE. Spreading his hands, TYLER’s
eyes turn black and he wipes everyone’s memory in a flash of

Whose eyes are turning orange? Who is wiping everyone's memory? How would I know that as a viewer?
Yes, you're telling the reader, but a viewer watching your short will only see the orange flash. How will they know the memory is wiped?

Dialogue issues
-- A lot of the dialogue repeats that action which makes it redundant.
-- A lot of the characters repeat each other's dialogue which is redundant.

                         JUSTIN GREAMER
          Our father is planning on [COLOR="Blue"]moving
          all of the enslaved humans to a
          larger facility [/COLOR]on a nearby
          island. This can only mean one

Camera cuts to ALEX’s panicked expression

                         ALEX BROWN
          [COLOR="blue"]He’s planning on enslaving and
          killing more humans![/COLOR] (Getting
          angry) We HAVE to stop him!
Wouldn't it be easier for him to kill the one's already in the facility to make more room? :huh:

I'm sure anyone who knows the comic will understand their powers, but as a total newbie to this series, just seeing the eyes glow colors on the screen would not clue me in. Just seeing eyes turn green doesn't let the viewer know he's absorbing anger.

Remember that the spec script is writing what the audience sees. So when you write "ALEX lifts the tablet with his powers and floats it into JASON’S open hands", you are giving information to the reader of your script that is unavailable to the audience. How do they know that it is Alex? You need to be specific in your script.

ALEX glances over at the tablet.

[COLOR="green"]CLOSE UP as [/COLOR]the tablet begins to stir and rise.

Alex's eyes follow the tablet as it floats over to JASON and slips into his open hands.
In the spec script the camera direction would not be included.

There are myriad little issues that you will want to review in this script before shooting it.
okay thanks. I have no previous experience writing scripts based off of a story that I have written and this is the first time I have written one completely alone. I will definitely take this information to heart. Thanks