~ If this is the wrong place for the thread, please feel free to move it - I wasn't quite sure how to categorise my post, haha ~
I think my idea for this was prompted slightly by Inception and the whole idea of wheels within wheels, or dreams within dreams. It's more of an artistic piece than a story, so to speak, and I can see myself making it purely for the sake of the impression it could leave (Either visually or otherwise).
I'm working with the idea of a single voice-over narration lasting for more or less the length of the piece.
Basically, the narrator jumps right into an explanation of how an apocalypse occurred, describing the events leading up to it and what it felt like to be caught in it. His tone is regretful and subdued, indicating that the situation is taking its toll on him.
After a short period of time, he stops himself short and informs the viewer that it is all a lie. He then proceeds to explain that he has invented the death-ridden reality, seen earlier, as an explanation for being the only man alive on earth. He explains that this invention is an attempt to draw out his sanity, claiming that he fears going insane more than anything else.
At this point the narration would cease, and there would be a few moments of silence.
I'm toying currently with the idea that the final scene is of the narrator in his fictional reality, but sprawled out on the ground as though unconscious or incapacitated. The screen would cut to black, and I would have simply the words '2 minute of oxygen remaining' spoken in a slightly robotic female voice. The purpose of this would be to suggest that what he claims to have created is, in fact, reality. The utopia of green fields and trees and soft wind is simply a figment of his imagination, which he believes to be reality.
Visually, it would begin with various angles on a man in what appears to be a post-apocalyptic world. Lots of yellows and greens incorporated into the environment and the lighting to give it a 'sickly' feeling.
When he comments that it is a lie, the surroundings would change to a country scene or something similar. I think the contrast I could get between the beauty of nature, and the image of a dejected and broken looking man wearing rough clothes and a gas mask standing amongst it all as though blind, could be interesting.
I suppose you could find themes in the idea of sustainable civilisation or messing around with atoms and suchlike, but I don't know to what extent I would want this to send a message as opposed to provoking thought.
I have written up a 'script' for the narrator, if anyone would be interested in seeing it.
Thoughts on the concept or comments on the feasibility of the idea would be amazing. I really can't decide if I should try making this into something more than just another shelved piece of paper.
In case anyone was curious, the title 'Purity' is the name of the air-purifying agent that is released on earth, the failure of which results in an airless world.
I think my idea for this was prompted slightly by Inception and the whole idea of wheels within wheels, or dreams within dreams. It's more of an artistic piece than a story, so to speak, and I can see myself making it purely for the sake of the impression it could leave (Either visually or otherwise).
I'm working with the idea of a single voice-over narration lasting for more or less the length of the piece.
Basically, the narrator jumps right into an explanation of how an apocalypse occurred, describing the events leading up to it and what it felt like to be caught in it. His tone is regretful and subdued, indicating that the situation is taking its toll on him.
After a short period of time, he stops himself short and informs the viewer that it is all a lie. He then proceeds to explain that he has invented the death-ridden reality, seen earlier, as an explanation for being the only man alive on earth. He explains that this invention is an attempt to draw out his sanity, claiming that he fears going insane more than anything else.
At this point the narration would cease, and there would be a few moments of silence.
I'm toying currently with the idea that the final scene is of the narrator in his fictional reality, but sprawled out on the ground as though unconscious or incapacitated. The screen would cut to black, and I would have simply the words '2 minute of oxygen remaining' spoken in a slightly robotic female voice. The purpose of this would be to suggest that what he claims to have created is, in fact, reality. The utopia of green fields and trees and soft wind is simply a figment of his imagination, which he believes to be reality.
Visually, it would begin with various angles on a man in what appears to be a post-apocalyptic world. Lots of yellows and greens incorporated into the environment and the lighting to give it a 'sickly' feeling.
When he comments that it is a lie, the surroundings would change to a country scene or something similar. I think the contrast I could get between the beauty of nature, and the image of a dejected and broken looking man wearing rough clothes and a gas mask standing amongst it all as though blind, could be interesting.
I suppose you could find themes in the idea of sustainable civilisation or messing around with atoms and suchlike, but I don't know to what extent I would want this to send a message as opposed to provoking thought.
I have written up a 'script' for the narrator, if anyone would be interested in seeing it.
Thoughts on the concept or comments on the feasibility of the idea would be amazing. I really can't decide if I should try making this into something more than just another shelved piece of paper.

In case anyone was curious, the title 'Purity' is the name of the air-purifying agent that is released on earth, the failure of which results in an airless world.

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