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watch Sarah Slean - The Rose


i've posted a couple times here and everyone has been veyr honest/kind/etc so i thought i'd re-pass along my website link: http://www.fortyfps.com as there are two new music videos for the immensely gifted Scarlet Ending from Syracuse, NY and a DIY feature called Dead Hooker In A Trunk which did quite well for itself.

sarah slean is a multi-award winning songwriter from canada and we made a video for her a year ago which will finally have it's release date tomorrow at midnight (technically Monday 12am EST) and i would really appreciate your eyes/thoughts/etc


thanks in advance!

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Really cool video, I really like the concept and the execution! The long shots in the beging and the end look great! The interpretive dance was a little strange, but that's just a taste issue. Thanks for sharing!!