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watch Sand Castles - Sneak Peek & Production Info

Hey folks, I'm new here. This is my first post, hopefully of many so I'd like to make it count!

This is the sneak peek teaser for the first feature I produced.

We are still in post, going through original score, color, and VFX now. (The trailer has a light color grade done very quickly, but will be much better in the final)

It will be pulled down soon due to it being submitted to film festivals this Fall, so I thought I'd share it.


Link: http://www.sandcastlesfilm.com -- It will play automatically. - Sign up for our news letter if you like what you see!

Details about Production:

Shooting Location: Rural Indiana & SW Michigan (along Lake Michigan) USA
- During October 2012

Shooting Days: 19

Cameras: 2 RED EPICS, 1 always on a steadicam.
Late edit inserts Camera: Canon 5D

Lenses: Vintage 70's & 80's Lomo Anamorphics & one Kowa Anamorphic prime.

Aspect Ratio: Shot at 2x anamorphic squeeze for a 2.40:1 -- Then cropped to 1.85:1 (yes you heard me. They had tape at the crop points on the monitor and shot it like that.
They wanted the anamorphic feel of the old lenses and even catching flares, but felt the film was too much of a personal story to shoot it so wide.

Anyways, I hope I didn't break any rules or posted in the right spot, etc. - I apologize if I did. -- Just trying to start off the new community with something interesting.

So Hello! Let me know what you think, interested in seeing how the community socializes. Godspeed.
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