Rude Reviews on Dark Deception did I deserve this..

Hey Peeps I just have a quick question, I know I'm not good, I'm of course trying, and most of you know about my flick Dark Deception. I was just wondering if it deserved the bash I got at So go read them really quick , o ya skip the first review that was my girlfriend getting pissed my bad for that. I've seen some bad flicks but i would never bash someone that hard, so i'm just wondering maybe thats common, or whatever. Thanks for your time. Happy Thanksgiving...... :yes:
Da Link:
I would tell you to learn to decifer good criticism from bad criticism. There were some good comments in there from folks that don't know how to critique something without blasting it.

I only read 2 reviews that I would consider "bashing" - the one from Mark Denega and the one from sanders macrae. Then there was one that was odd - the one from dave who was obviously stoned. And the rest, while not really constructive, do have some good advice for you.

The thing is, some people out there are ginormous a-holes, learn to shrug off what they say and learn to listen to extract good criticism from those who may not know how to give it constructively.

Yeah man, a couple of those posts were rude, but they weren't really all that harsh...not compared to what you might hear down the road, so prepare yourself now. I have to say that Poke is right, so basically just pay attention to people that sound like they're trying to help you, they usually are.
Yes constructive I agree Poke thanks guys, just wanted to hear someone elses opinion. Not trying to be a baby.
And heads up they deleted the really bad ones so sorry you guys couldnt see them, and I dont care to repeat it.
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Yeah man. Don't worry about it. Some people just like to tear others down. Not sure why that is but it's a shame. Just improve what you think needs to improve while taking others' "constructive criticism" and try to do the best that you can next time. As long as you are aiming for high quality while telling YOUR story...that's all that matters.
I don't think those are all that bad. They ARE rude in the sense that they're not helpful at all, but you'd be surprised what kind of bashing goes on...even in the most respected publications. Just know that someone who kind of likes your movie is less likely to post comments than someone who hates it or loves it, so don't assume everyone dislikes it...Know what I'm saying? ...I liked it and I'm sure many other people do too.