archived-videos ROMANCE ROAD KILLERS trailer online!

The trailer for the feature film “Romance Road Killers” is now online!

Direct Link:
“Romance Road Killers” Homepage:

The movie (inspired by the 1958 Charles Starkweather/Caril Ann Fugate killing spree) is currently set to begin shooting in late February 2006, but the filmmakers decided to shoot ‘test footage’ beforehand and made this trailer and montage sequence from it. More info on the film can be found on the homepage.

Alter Ego Cinema
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I'm a HUGE Alter Ego Fan, I watch everthing you guys put online. You have a real edge and guts I wish I had! :)

But how can I get Amatuer Porn Star Killer :huh: I REALLY want to see it!

Roadkillers looks great BTW.
Timberwolf said:
I'm a HUGE Alter Ego Fan, I watch everthing you guys put online. You have a real edge and guts I wish I had! :)

wow, thanks! :D
but you guys seem to have plenty of guts too!
btw, saw a write-up in Fangoria Magazine of your DVD!

right now we're pitching "APSK" and "RRK" as well as other films to a major dvd distributor we've had our contacts with, so hoping we get some kind of deal with one or all of the films.
(but I know the filmmakers are pushing more for getting "RRK" financed, than getting their past stuff distributed, as I think they look at their past stuff more as a learning experience and "RRK" as a chance to actually make something, but we'll see)

we'll eventually get them on dvd one way or another
That's great, cosider two copies already sold (if you can get me one sooner, I'll gladly pay! :) )

Anyway, I have a lot of out there ideas, but I find myself always holding back because I'm afraid of what certian people or groups might think. I'm slowly getting over that and I'm starting to take on things closer to my heart. I'm always fighting the fact I do want a bit of 'mainstream' attention, but my style doesn't always go that way.

Anyway.. good luck with the releases!