Rodelink - sound peeps thoughts please?

so just seen the new RodeLink and its cheap price of under £300, this seems like a good deal for us indiefilmmakers, anyone got any thoughts on it? no it wont be professional and at that price point I dont expect it to be, but for us amateurs this seems like a good deal to add to our audio inventory no?

Im also wondering if its possible to attach it to a field recorder for improved audio?
You want feedback on a piece of equipment that isn't out yet?

I suppose it'd be quite a design flaw if there wasn't a way to record the audio with this device.

Theres already reviews on it and people do own it mostly in america, but from the specs side was wondering if sound peeps could give an analysis.
Rode is attempting compete with Audio Technica to put out a "budget" wireless system cheaper than the Sennheiser G3 series. Given their brand recognition they should sell well unless the units are completely FUBAR.

The reviews are from professional reviewers. I wouldn't buy any unit of any kind until it's been out for a while and given real world abuse by real users. And the "v2," "mkII," "-B" version that comes out six to twelve months later usually addresses whatever issues cropped up after the initial roll-out.

And yes, it has an 3.5mm mini-pin audio output to connect with an audio recorder. What good would it be without an audio output?