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watch Reward upcoming drama action

Just go to www.evangelistisaacfilms.com. That is the movie website. The trailer is on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJTnQ9cH9t4

Plot of movie: Pastor William is a charismatic prosperity preacher who lives in a 4million dollar home, with a flamboyant lifestyle. He is a friend of a very wealthy man Mr Cooper, who is also a member of his church. They are full of deception, crookedness, and immorality. In another event, Isabella is a woman of faith. In spite of her sudden loss of job, she remains faithful and commited to Christ. Can there really be a reward based on the way we live our lives on this earth or beyond, Is there life after death? Watch what happens to Isabella, Pastor William, and Mr. Cooper in this hot intriguing gospel movie, Reward.

We made this movie with virtually no budget. Please rate it. It would be so kind of you to watch it. Streaming is only 2.99. The DVD is 5.99. The movie will be released November 30 2012.
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