Resume for indie film?

Hello everybody! I'm brand new to the forum. I've really enjoyed making home short films. I also have taken film related classes in college. I really like movies, film and the making of them, and for that reason I decided to volunteer with an indie film being shot not too far from me. One of the producers or directors (I actually do not remember which it was but I'll hopefully find out soon enough) said that they could probably find something for me to do on set, but they wanted a resume from me.

So you can see my problem. Format is not too much of an issue; I can just rework my work resume. My problem comes in that I do not have experience. I've made a couple of short films at home (one of which I made for a class), I took a screenwriting class, and I'm writing a script. If you really want to push things, I acted in grade school and junior high plays (I should also note that I'm not trying to be an actor for this film). None of these things are related to what they'd probably have me do. Like hold boom.

Any suggestions for what I should say?

Also, should they decide to let me help out, do you have any tips for me while on set?

EDIT: oh yeah, last year I was what amounted to an extra on a commercial (I had about a second of screen time)

EDIT 2: Also, would it be pointless to add things not entirely related, like awards from extra curricular activities received in High School?
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I would say you will want to put together a Vitae (not a resume). A resume consists of everything including things/activities/job experiences not related to your field/job application. A vitae is a professional account of your experiences, training, references, and accomplishments within that specific field. That's what you'd want to start for something such as acting and filmmaking. The rest of the stuff does not really matter.
If they're requiring a resume for a volunteer, I highly doubt that you'll get the job of boom operator. I would hope that anyone taking resumes would already have an experienced boom-op, as that is a highly important job. I imagine that if they bring you aboard, you'd most likely be a PA (and that is also an important job, so they'd be idiots not to bring you aboard).

In my opinion, you should just be honest with them, and basically tell them the same thing you told us, either through email or phone call. You don't have experience relevant to put together a resume. You're looking to get experience, and you'd love to volunteer on their set, in whatever capacity they want. Maybe a little background about who you are and how you came to this place in your life. Be enthusiastic, and if they're dumb enough to turn you away, that's their loss! Best of luck! :)
Just be honest. If you have no experience tell them. You can still be an important part of the crew. You just have to work extra hard to show them they didn't make a mistake by bringing you on.

If they're so big that they can't use the help, then good for them. There's always other projects.
Thanks to all of you for your advice! I did send them a Vitae, but admitted to them that I do not have experience as it relates to anything they might have me do, but that I am happy to help however they may want.

If it works, it works, if it doesn't it doesn't. As you mentioned, if they don't take me there will be other opportunities if I look for them. I'm optimistic either way :)

Thanks again!