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Replacement ground glass for DOF adaptors


I am Julian Hopf, co-operator of Steve Hopf Ground Glass. For several years we have been the leader in ground glass for large format still photography. We have received raving testamonials from such photographers as Nick Nixon in the large format field. Recently we have perfected the technique of cutting circular screens for depth of field adaptors. We can produce replacement ground glass for any DOF adaptor or to custom specs. Our screens are 100% hand made from glass, not plastic. Rectangular screens are $16.50 each. Round screens without center holes are $25.00 each and, due to the difficulty of ballancing spinning screens, round screens with center holes are $60.00 each. Screens above 5" in any dimension require a custom quote. Shipping inside the US is $5.00. We ship within three days unless we need to order a special drill or part in order to make your screen, in which case we ship within 3 days of that part arriving. We will replace any screen that is not to specs, scratched, out of round, or otherwise defective. We have yet to have a screen break in shipping, but if that happens we will replace it too. You can order via email at hopfsteve@gmail.com.

-Julian Hopf