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Rendezvous with Death (kickstarter inside)

On the coat-tails of the success my crew and I had with Slenderman, which will be released within the next month, we are extremely excited about our latest project; Rendezvous with Death.

It's goofy, funny, and going to be really bloody. as in, we have it in the budget GALLONS of stage blood.

I am in charge of grip and special effects for this film, and as part of the kickstarter rewards, I will be making some detailed DIY videos about the stuff i made for this film including my air-powered blood cannons, bulk amounts of fake blood, as well as a camera stabilizer and steadicam vest suitable for the RED scarlet X we are shooting on.

Additionally, all of the money is going towards the making of the film. The director, the producer, and I are not taking any of the kickstarter money for ourselves. Instead, we are working for free throughout the entire project.

check it out:

if you like what you see, please go check out www.StartKilling.com

also, even if you dont want to/cant back us financially, PLEASE upvote us on Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/14nio5/this_could_maybe_not_suck_goofy_horror_im_down/
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We just shot some more this weekend, should have a list up pretty soon of all the DIY project instructions we will be including in the special edition DVD's and Blu-Rays.