archived-videos "Remember"


Comments welcomed. i'm 17, still in high school. i submitted this film to two festivals and won. i filmed & edited movie for a relief campaign at my school.
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beautiful footage! What did you shoot that with? Editing is well done. Titling is gorgeous. Nice juxtaposition of normal life vs. tragedy.
Wow, loved the editing. The switches were seamless and blended great. The text animation was quite nice as well. After effects? Also, how did you get such a great picture? It didn't look like most of the video's posted. Maybe it was the natural light? I have seen the DVX-100a and your pictures looked richer. Tell us a little more. Good luck to you. It would be a shame if you did not do well.
Thanks! I went up to San Francisco (California) early in the morning so the sun would not wash out the footage. Also filmed some of the other footage in the late afternoon for the same reason. The thing that I like to use on my vids is Levels/Histogram. It really helps give video a film look. Also rendered the final video at 24fps even though the VX2000 films at 30i. - Thanks a lot btw.
marte, your video is proof that expensive cameras and gadgets can never replace good ol' fashion film making sense. The only thing that can explain the beauty of this film is this: the man knows how to shoot. Plain and simple. Sunset/sunrise shots make for great lighting. Using levels lets you really deepen those blacks and pull out the color and seperate those highlights. Widescreen cropping also helps to compose a much more interesting picture (I've never been a square canvas fan). But most importantly, this guy has an eye. Every one of those shots was incredibly well framed, and the panning movements were silky smooth. Then a good 24p algorithm in post gives you that film-like motion to rub out any traces of "video look". Very nice.

Anyone moaning about how they could make a great film if they could afford a better camera really should take a look at this for inspiration. Don't worry about running out and getting more gear before you've learned how to run out there and get great shots. Because if you can learn how to make a beautiful film with a VX1000/2000 or a GL1/XL1, then imagine how much better your work will look once you do upgrade to an HVX or some other HD deck? Or even (for what ever reason) film.
What a great film! I have watched it now twice in 15 minutes!!!

The establishing shot is an excellent picture and the mellow music is perfect to convey the mood of the film.
Was the location San Francisco? And how did you manage to get your film screened on this website?


Eddie Rex.
Eddie Rex - Its called the "embed" feature.

marte - well done! It really looks beautiful. I want to see some narrative from you. Did you get permission to use the copyrighted music?
Sorry I haven't posted for a while, I've been busy doing college applications.

Yes, I filmed the movie in San Francisco. I didn't have my license yet, so my dad drove me early morning to the different places in the city (Union Square, Ocean Beach, Chinatown, and the Sunset district). I spent about a day, filming early morning and late afternoon.

I haven't really had time to film a narrative since I worked on a TV show last summer. I am, however, planning to work on one during my Winter break with several of my friends.

Nah, I did not get permission to use the copyrighted music. I would if I had the money and connections.

You have talent, and you are young. I understand you are making money possibly doing what you are doing but I would strongly recommend you give a good shot at narrative as you say you will try.

One suggestion though - I wouldn't start your ad with the MPAA approval thing unless you really have it. Productions pay thousands to get that. Just take out the MPAA words.
One suggestion though - I wouldn't start your ad with the MPAA approval thing unless you really have it. Productions pay thousands to get that. Just take out the MPAA words.

Thanks for pointing that out.

- Bryant