Reefer Madness: Is this film Public Domain???

Hey, guys!

Does anyone know if the film "Reefer Madness is public domain?

Wondering about using some stills...

Also, anyone know where I could find:

Some old count downs

Old Reefer Madness period pictures

And a melting end to a film, a la Grindhouse?

I am looking this stuff up, however if I can find a shortcut, I would like to get started with another project (not the band stuff) and I am about to start using Google like there's no tomorrow....mainly because there isn't...

-- spinner :cool:
Actually, I already found it.

Basically, what I am looking for is some old pictures for a montage. Old 1940's period black and white pics.

Just wondering if there might be a database that anyone might know of....

-- spinner :cool:
Don't know if this will help your research or if you have already visited, but the IMDb has a list of distributors for "Reefer Madness" (called "Tell Your Children" in the listing).

Distributor list

Some of the recent ones may either hold the rights or let you know if the film is PD

Best of luck!

Neil :)
Two of my favorite films of all time are (luckily) both in the public domain: Nosferatu (1922) and George Romero's 1968 masterpiece Night of the Living Dead. George always laments he never sought proper copyright protection for it, but then again, if he didn't make it, cinema would be sooo boring today...

I mean, really... What filmmaker WASN'T somewhat inspired by this film?
What I'm looking for at the moment specifically is some driving footage.

Like when in a b&w film where there are people in the car, I am looking for the moving footage of the street outside the car...

-- spinner :cool:
Here's why I am asking....

A friend of mine told me about a friend of hers who was going to be in a play of some sort. To me it sounded kind of experimental in at least its presentation. She said that she might want to get some help putting some visual stuff together, some stills or moving footage of old 1940's black and white video and the like.

"Sure," I said. "Just give me a call, I'll help," I said.

She emailed me and I went to the theater (I thought) to just find out about the project. Her friend needs some visualization and was looking for animation for two LCD screens for the 1-1/2 to 2 hour show.

He needs all this by next THURSDAY. :eek:

"Sure," I said. "Just give me a call, I'll help," I said. :D

So, now I am working on a stage play. Frankly, my first reaction was: there is no way to pull this off
But I might be able to. I'm going to try anyway. (This guy ain't gettin' no animated nothin')

We have some good ideas and I think that if we get moving, which we did yesterday, we have a chance of pulling this off. The theater guy is very lucky that neither of us really has anything going on right now or he would be dead in the water. Plus, I am tied up for the next two weekends (not including this weekend)

It ought to be, certainly a challenge...Oh, what have I gotten myself into??? :lol:

We who are about to die, salute you! I'll let you know what happens....if I live that long!

-- spinner :cool: