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Recording sound

Okay so I am going to shoot this quick skit while I have this camera. Now I have the Sennheiser K6 Kit. I was wondering if I can record what I am saying through the Sennheiser without recording the skit. Like I will be wearing a mask, so if I talk while in the mask it wont sound clear. So I was gonna record the skit without me saying anything then add the sound through the sennheiser. Can someone help? Thanks
If you don't have to match lip movements (or footsteps, etc.) you can record entirely MOS (Mit Out Sound). I personally like some sound, even if it won't be used, because it makes even ballpark syncing easier.

In audio post you just delete (I prefer to mute the clips of entire tracks) the audio you will not be using.
the character is wearing a mask. there is nothing to sync.

I did a project where the character was wearing a mask. It helped to have the original dialog - even though it would not be used - to conform with pacing/timing and staying more in sync with the body language.

And it can be a big help when doing Foley work when you can't see the feet or other body actions.