Recommendations for Camera and Lens

So I am relatively new to this trade, but I would like to get a camera, lens, and tripod for something hopefully under $1000 (if it goes a little over that, it's fine). I have already been recommended to start out with the Canon Rebel t3i. Another friend of mine was using a Canon EOS 7D (a little over my budget) and is now using a Canon EOS C100 (way beyond my budget). That same friend is using three lenses with the C100: an 18-135mm standard zoom, a 24mm Rokinon, and a 50mm Zeiss. I was wondering what you guys would recommend? :huh:

What I am looking for is something that can film 24 fps (which I assume is most digital cameras), black and white of a quality that comes close to film stock with rich, wide contrast range. The films I will be making will be short films, predominantly silent and filmed outside (so hopefully a camera that can stand weather conditions, mainly from the desert and mountainous regions with snow). Anyway I apologize if this post sounds more newbish than it should, but as mentioned before I am relatively new to this trade. :)
If you can wait until it is released on June 21st, I recommend you get the $749 Panasonic G6. It shoots 24fps and 60fps for slow motion and smooth fast action. It also has a viewfinder that works while shooting video and built-in wi-fi for monitoring, remote control or sending your images to your phone or tablet. These are features that no Canon DSLR will have.

Here is how the camera handles a behind-the-scenes shoot. Everything after 1:45 was shot with the G6 (the camera hired for the shoot was the $1298 Panasonic GH3, the G6's big brother (this is the camera I have) - please watch at 1080p):

Note the B&W segments starting at 3:23, 4:07 and 5:33

The camera also does fabulous color - see this Panasonic promo (again, please watch at 1080p):

Best value fluid head tripod is the $125 Fancier with the 75mm bowl and crutch style legs (this is the tripod I have).

If you can't wait the 3 weeks until the G6 is released, I recommend the $797 (as of this post) Nikon D5200 over the Canons. It is not as susceptible to a shot-ruining phenomenon called "moire".

Sadly, with either camera, decent glass will take you over $1000. I would start with Rokinon cine lenses for Nikon. They will fit the D5200 directly and will work with the G6 with an inexpensive adapter.

As for shooting in the snow, neither of these cameras are waterproof. Only the $567 Pentax K-30 is waterproof in this price range (leaving out 'adventure cams' like the GoPro). But the K-30 does not have the best reputation for producing high quality video images.

Good luck with your decision!

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