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watch Reality on Demand - Complete Season 1 (web series)

Check out the first season of Reality on Demand. Let us know what you think. I personally would like feedback on the effects in episodes 5 and 6.

Reality On Demand is a web series that follows four strangers who playtest a highly advanced virtual reality game that puts them into their favorite TV shows and movies. The game starts off well enough, until the game begins to experience "technical difficulties."

You can watch it all on blip, our website, or check out the Embedded videos below:

Episode 1: "Press Play"
In this first installment of the web series, we are introduced to four contestants as they playtest a highly advanced virtual reality game. However the game begins to experience "technical difficulties."

Episode 2: "Where Are We Now?"
Still acclimating to the game, our players find themselves stranded on a dirt road and thrust into danger.

Episode 3: "It's An Ambush!"
About to discover what show they are in, the players are separated and must fight for their lives with their new found allies.

Episode 4: "Robby!"
The players, along with the Colt brothers, race to save Robby from the evil Felicia and learn of the Hell Hole's location.

Episode 5: "Zoe the Zombie Slayer vs the Hell Hole"
With Robby out of commission and Nick in the clutches of the demonic Preacher Jim, the game may soon be lost. The players, along with the Colt brothers, prepare for an epic battle to save Nick and... the world.

Episode 6: "Game Over"
It is the Season Finale. With Nick near death and the Hell Hole open, all seems to be lost. Can the players save the day or is it truly game over?

Also check out realityondemandseries.com for more information on the cast, crew and extras. And like us on facebook. We would love to hear what people think so we can bring an even better Season Two.