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treatment Raise Britannic Treatment.

It was meant to have a chronicle like feel I guess.

Raise The Britannic
Treatment By Raymond Lee Leggs 1/30/2017

Version 1.0 (gritty grounded realistic)

Our Little (BIG) movie begins with a shot of the Wreck of the HMHS Britannic underwater, 100 years after she sank, its first 100 feet of bow is nearly severed from the rest of the 883 foot 48000 ton ship, which is very well preserved covered in coral, very little corrosion. The Films title scrolls up on screen in a metallic font.

Somewhere over Alaska the ICARUS Space probe falls out of the sky and lands with great force spilling its payload ov vials of H161 virus into the air they shatter on impact.


Government spook Agent Briscoe Padgett (NSA,NASA) and secretary of defense homer greencastle track Icarus's fall with the rest of the technicians, are scrambling about trying to do damage control. They debate whether to alert the POTUS before or after they figure if the containment vessel has been breached.

Lousisville Ky, Shawnee public library.

18 year old Jessica King Chechnyan born adopted daughter of African American physics professor
Thaddeus King studies books on cosmic theory, as strangers (Best Freinds MALCOM REYNOLDS, and DIMITRI TARASOV) debate whether to talk to her , while simultanously bantering about bulding an Ionic propulsion unit. Dimitri the braver of the two drags malcom over to her table. They cause a bit of a ruckus as they try to chat her up. She is not interested in them, ortunately


PROFESSOR THADDIUS KING (50), Agent Padgett, sec of defence Greencastle, and the rest of the military's top brass meet in the main board room. Prof King proposed funding for a project that could be helpful to the military, a matter transporter powered by an ionic drive, A project a youn scientist named THOMAS VANDERBOEK, was working on before he was sent to a mental institute after he went on a vandalism spree at the TRANK INSTITUTE. Prof King promises that with the presence of his daughter Vandoerboek can be reasoned with and controlled. Padgett objects, saying that he is too big of a liability. He tells them, if they can find someone smarter that they will have to take a gamble on Vanderboek.


Malcom and dimitri are working on an Ionic propulsion unit in Malcom's father's garage they have a couple of huge step up transformers, the square kind with the fins not the round can type, hooked up to it.

Dimitri tells him he had to go through a lot of shit to get it so he cant be so over eager during the power-up sequence because last time he almost se the garage afire. Dimitri Documents it with his camcorder.


JACOB (21) Jessicas brother who is the biological son of Professor King works on his old-rusty Muscle Car while Jessica lounges in a lawn chair, reading a book by Neal Degrasse Tyson. She asks Jacob about her being bitchy to most people. She tells him that two guys tried to talk to her at the library a few days ago and that maybe she was too hard on them since they seemed like genuinely nice guys. Jecob tells her not to worry so much about what peple thing of her, and that people may just be intimidated by her being pretty and intellegent.

Prof king pulls up in driveway, gets out ot the car and hugs his children, he hands jessica a big box, and tells her she can open it after dinner.


THOMAS VAN DER BOEK (25), handsome but unkempt sits behind the 80 inch monitor of his elaborate computer setup watching a news report about a fallen sattelite called ICARUS He scoffs at the Government suits and news casters saying that it was a research sattelite, and that it was a freak accident, We see that he has a window open on his computer with the sattelit's computer code, There is North Korean Code, corrupting the Sattelite's system.


Agent Padgett sits in his big black car, in the parkng lot of the area 58 Joint force military base, He calls sec Greencastle and instructs him to tell the president that there are indications that the H161 virus did not burn up when the Probe entered the earth's atmosphere. There are hundreds of thousands of cases of an illness that is similar to H161 and that Project Britannic will be initiated in six months.


Malcom and dimitri have their Ion engine set up. No one seems to be interested in the display, except for Jessica and her Father. Jessica apologizes to both of them for being such a bitch at the library, they give a demonstration. The loud sound it makes causes people to stir, and gather around. All the table in the gymnasium begin to shake. Then their Booth catches fire. It Lets out a pulse of sound that shatters several beakers of chemicalsand causes everyone to cringe.

Prof King tells them that his is impressed by the fact that they were able to build a compact Ion drive that can maintain it's stability for more than thirty nine seconds, Something his students at the TRANK institute have failed to do, He tells them to see him after school.


Dimitri and malcom have dinnr with Jacob, Prof king, and Jessica.


The TRANK INSTITUTE is located in the HEYBURN BUILDING in downtown Louisville KY Malcom walks in wheeling a big rollaway suitcase. The desk clerk tells him that the Dorms start on the fith floor and the lab is in the basement, The place is a hive of activity, teens zooming around on, wheeled hoverboards playing with mini drones, and small fighting robots

Malcom finds his dorm and goes int to see that he is roomed with Dimitri

Jessica walks in, in heels and a shot, skin tight dress she slides her backpack off and then slips on a labcoat and a name badge. The guys in the lab notice that she is hot. She notices the attention and revels in it. Malcom follows her and catches up with her He asks her an extremely nerdy question. She tels him that is the most unusual opener to say if you are trying to hit on someone. He tells her he has an idea for building an Ion engine powerd car, and that her brother could help build it. She tells him that if he is going to hang out with her he has to talk about something ouse besides science and technology.


Jacob sits on the hood of his muscle car with some chick in front of a diner. A group of Dumb whiteboys in a ricer taunt him about how junky the car is. Jacob challenges tem to a race.

The ensuing race ends with the ricer being clipped by a train and spinning out into a wooden fence. Jacob peels away and drives home. Professor king is standing in the driveway with his hands on his hips, he grills him about staying out all night doing reckless stuff, and that he's too smart to be doing what he is doing. Jacob tells him that if he is trying to get him to go to school he's not interested, snd that he has to learn by doing and not by a bunch of dusty ass books written by old white folks.


Dimitri cleans his camera's lenses in his dorm with malcom. He asks him if Prof king Knows that he is Boning is daughter. Malcom denies it and tells him it only happened one, and that she is not that interested in him. Dimitri tells him that he should make an effort to persue her.


Agebt padgett discusses the H161 virus and it's origin as a biowarfare experiment by the British army during WWI and that a counter agent was made. The ship that was transporting the cure and the plans to replicate it was sunk after striking a mine laid by the German submarine U-20 and that the ship was a former ocean liner, hastily converted into a hospital ship, an ocean liner that was third in the olympic class of ships called the BRITANNIC, build a few years after the titanic as an improvement on the design. Extensive aritst renderings and photographs of the wreck play on huge monitors that line the walls of the huge board room. They show the extensive shearing off of the first 100 feet of bow.

The pictures change to live footage of the wreck with the bow re-attached, as a us navy admiral ADMIRAL JOHNSTON, tells them that they have re-attached the bow and that their engineers are stumped on how to bring the ship to the surface. Agent Padgett suggests to them that four teenage scientists and a former Trank institute engineer known for thinking outside of the box can figure out a way to bring the ship to the surface intact. After they finish a project for NASA.


Vanderboek is awakened by a knock on his door, he hears the voice of both Jessica and Prof king telling him to let them in. He puts on a clean pair of sweats and a t shirt as he makes his way to the door. He opens it. He tells Prof king to go away. He lets jessica in, and hen reluctantly her father.

Jessica and Prof. King tell him that someone has improved upon his design for an ionic drive engine. He makes a guess that it has something to do with the US Military. Jessica tells him that it's NASA and the Trank instititue Only.

Thomas is walked in by prof king as Malcom, Jessica & Dimitri work on the blueprints of a teleporter that is to be powered by the Ionic drive engine. He introduces him to Malcom and Dimitri. He looks over Malcom's drawings of the engine, and points out all kinds of dangerous corners he has cut.

Jacob pulls in front of the trank building then speeds offdown the stree, contimplates and goes back and turns into the garage.

In the lab, Thomas tells him that his containment vessel is the weakest part of his design, Jessica offers to redesign the containment vessel, as Jacob comes in. Thomas tells Jacob that nobody needs him here, Jessica tells him that he is the only person here, that has built anything that weighed over 200 LBS, he's rebuilt at least six vehicles.

Jacob looks over the design, and ficures that they will need bulletproof acrylic for the pods they will be occupying and that Titanium is to be used for the Ionic engine's containment vessel. Jessica insists that the space suit helmets have bulletproof glass and the suits must be fireproof, thermal insulated, and light, Kevlar will be used in some capacity.

We do a leinghty design and hanging out in the lab monage, which ends with Agent Padgett visiting the lab, he observes Malcom, Jessica and Thomas doing calculations. Prof king tells Padgett that Thomas is behaving quite well. Padgett tells him that they have another project for them to tackle after they are done with the Teleporter.

Vanderboek and Padgett get into a bit of an argument about the military's use of his technologies> He also notices that Malcom and Jessica are growing closer to one another. Dimitri tells him he understands how he feels for her, and that if he wants to talk about it, he is there for him.

Jacob taunts Thomas while he is working on his computer. Jessica dissaproves. Malcom brings up his idea for a hybrid Combustion/Ionic engined motor vehicle.

Jacob tells him, jokingly if he turns his muscle car into a time machine that they can go back and give Dimitri a girlfreind, and Agent Padgett a sense of humor.


The testing begins with inorganic matter, and no protective vessel to the test subject. The test is sucessful however when it comes back from where it has teleported to it comes back singed, but intact. Dimitri tells them if the finish the pods early that they can be the first to teleport to another planet. Thomas tells them that they should do tests on the soil that came back with it.

Agent Padgett and Prof king watch fom the observation room, Padgett tells him tht the project will have to be wrapped in two weeks they need to move onto the Britannic project, ot that he will admit thomas to a sanitorium, and that it will take a lot of red tape to release him.


Thomas and jessica wach CNN, which is covering a virus epidemic that is sweeping the upper northern hemisphere, which has flu like symtoms and are debating wheather it's the avian flu or SARS. Thomas tells her that it is 161 and tells her the story padgett told the DOD. He tells her about the icarus probe that was menat to fly the virus into the sun to destroy it, and that north korean hackers are responsible for the crash, and that Agent padgett will never tell them all of what he is really here for.

Jacob, Malcom and Dimitri smoke pot in the observation room, they ramble on about scifi, space travel, and pop culture and all the things people do that get on their nerves.

Down in the drafting room, thomas starts coming onto Jessica, she resists because she is with Malcom, he is even more aggressive, she gives in, they make out and have SEX. She gets a text from Malcom, whichsays “High as hell but starting the teleporter, Jacob already strapped in”. She calls malcom and balls him out, Jessica and thomas race to the lab as Malcom and Dimitri are suiting up. She gets interrogated by Malcom for her disheveled appearane, Thomas suits up and orders her to man the computers, She begins the start-up sequence, after they lock themselves in their pods, Malcom begs GOD to not let anything go wrong as the power system energizes, Jacob Balls him out!


They are teleported to the surface of a red planet. Mars. Malcom is overjoyed about being the first people to step on the surface of mars. Jacob tells them that it won't mean anything if the don't make it back to their pods in time, Ghysers of ice erupt in the distance.

Jessica remotely turns on their helmet cams> they begin exploring the planet's surface.

Jessica calls her father, and tells him the guys have tested the machine on themselves,

On mars Jacob overhears her on his com, he tells them that “our mother just told on us” Thomas insists the wrap it up as soon as they can as ice erupts closer to them. The Ground begins to crack and Malcom confronts Thomas for having sex with Jessica. Dimitri tries to calm him down telling him that this is the last place anyone should be fighting, and that it is over, it cannot be undone. The ground cracks and sinks beneath Thomas's feet as they begin to fight. Thomas falls into the hole and manages to not plung into an icy abyss by holding onto a ledge. Malcom starts pelting him with rocks Jacob and Dimitri try to restrain him. Dimitri manages to get a hold on him.

Jacob pulls thomas out he is alive but severely ice burned, they try to make it bck to the pods as the ground falls away, they get in as the rig is swallowed into the ice spewing chasm.

Jessica desperately tries to send them back, the turns the power up to maximum causng the Ionic drive to heat up, breakers arc, Tanks full of liquid nitrogen and hydrogen blow. They come back violently, causing a big explosion and an Electomagnetic discharge that browns out thw whole building and blows her across the room. It also causes the lights of all of downtown louisville to blow.

Thomas is being worked on by army surgeons. Prof thaddius king and agent padgett watch through an observation window.

Prof king tells him that he is not going to allow him to lock up his children. Padgett tells him that they destroyed NASA propery and almost blew the whole building up. King tells him that he still needs them to help bring up the Britannic, since no one else can even conceive of a way to bring that ship up intact but the very kids he wants to put in jaill over an accident that nobody could forsee.


Jessica and jacob look over a 60 foot model of the repaired wreck of the HMHS Britannic, which still lays on it's starboard side.

Malcom and Dimitri go over original blueprints of the ship, and figure out key structural points.
Thomas fights with doctors and is sent to the psych ward.

Jessic a does calculations on what amount of force is needed to put the ship back on an even keel.

We do a montage of designing and building of lifting tanks, pallbearing righs, coffer dams with footage of the wreck being righted, portholes patched over and lifting tanks being welded to the hull by underwater robots, the tanks being filled with hydrazine gas and thomas becoming more and more unstable.

Agean Sea

The salvage fleet is surrounding the wreck of the britannic which is 450 feet below on one of the salvage ships the teaam is in an underwater sub/ROV control room , along with agent Padgett and Admiral Johnson & sec greencastle. Padgett starts the countdown sequence, for the ship's raising. Jessica and Dimitribegin toppting off the Hydrazint tanks that are welded to the side of the ships hull. Starting with the ones on the bow first.

Inder the agean se the 100 year old 883 foot tonne liner's hull groans from the strss from being lifted, It hovers a foot off the seabed, 438 more to go.

On board the salvage ship everyone is on pins and needles, Malcom begs for the ship not to fall back to the seabed as the stern starts to andle downwarduntil the rudder embeds itself into the seabed. The surface of the sea begins to boil and churn as the ship begins to gain momentum. The bow emerges from the surface, with great haste and velocity. The whole ship erupts from the deep in a spectacular and visually stunning manner.

A few hours after the ship is raised and the water mostly pumped out, Malcom, Jessica, Jacob and dimitri begin to explore the wrec's interior, noting the immense amount of torn and fallen cabling, bed frames twisted and tangled, otherwise it is a good state of preservation.

They go deep into the ship to find over 60 heavy steel armoured boxes rusted shut. The words “property of the British Admiralty” “top secret” can be still be read.


The britannic is being towed through an intense gale. On ths ship's fan tail a whiteroom enviroment is set up. A temporary lab powered by generators. Malcom and dimitri help arrange the first 10 crates they bust open the first three to find the contents ruined, however the third and fourth are still sealed, full of intact vials of the Ant-viral soluton and the important documents. Malcom just tells them that they just saved the world. News footage of a huge surge of new cases and poor countries being overwhelmed play on flatscreens. Malcom tells them that if the US decides to get the cure first he will leave the institute.

After being berthed in new york the the cure is offloaded with Agent Padgett supervising.
Malcom and jessica give padgett and his men all of the documents


Malcom, Jessica and Jacob walk through the loading area for the trucks that will be shipping the cure, with Agent padgett and some cdc guys on their way to the laboritoy, where they start to assist in making the cure, we do a montage of the making o the cure and thomas planning and executing an escape.

Malcom and jessica are in the observation room with padgett and a bund of drone pilots as they do a bombing run on Pyonyang and the North korean cyber intellegence offices. Jacob and dimitri are in the mess hall chatting. An alarm sounds troops are seen rushing through a nearby corridor. Outside thomas climbs the hill outside the base, vehicles can be seen scrambling, sirens blare.

Jessic and Malcom get into it about Thoas and he feels that if they hadn't slept togeather behind his back they wouldn't be at area 58 and that none of all the bad things that have happened would have happened, Jacob and Dimitri intervene before a fight Breaks out.

1 Year Later

Agent Briscoe Padgett gets a hit on a sighting of vanderboek, in louisiana. Jessica Does a trace and has an idea of where he would go, a place her and her dad would go when her and jacob were kids.


Thomas buys a bunch of junk computer parts from a backwoods hoarder he then drives to a cottege by a swampy river, He goes in to prepare the computer parts for assembly. He pauses when he hears a noise. A big helicopter. He picks up an AR15 and goes outside to find Jessica, Jacob and some Marines repelling from a helecopter, they disperse behind tree a breif shootout erupts ending with Thomas getting hit in the leg. Upsetting Jessica who rushes to his side.


Prof. King walks the foursome through their new lab, It's bright white and absoloutely State Of The Art. Agent padgett is there too. The four scientists (Malcom,Jessica,Dimitri and Jacob) walk through a pair of double doors that open to a bacony that overlooks the ocean, they all talk speculatively about what the future holds for themselves. Jessica tells them that they are all a family even it they don't get fo fly around in blue spandex. We pull out to reaveal the lab is not in a Building per, se But the Britannic Itself, perfectly restored and display right behind the USS INTREPID in new york city, Painted in it's intended White star line livery NOT The Hospital ship scheme it sank with.

Thomas is in a straight jacket in a maximum security psychiatric prison

Written, Directed, Edited and Scored by

Raymond Leggs.