R.I.P: Sydney Pollack July 1, 1934 - May 26, 2008

I just got a bulletin from one of my MySpace filmmaker friends:

SYDNEY POLLACK, the prolific director, producer and actor whose films tackled a variety of social issues while garnering critical acclaim and earning impressive numbers at the box office, died of cancer Monday afternoon at his home in Pacific Palisades. He was 73. Says his publicist, Leslee Dart, "He had been diagnosed with cancer about nine months before his death."

Some of his films included:
This Property Is Condemned
Jeremiah Johnson
They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
The Electric Horseman
The Way We Were
Three Days Of The Condor
Out Of Africa

If you would like to read more, here is the wikipedia page:


Rest In Peace

-- spinner :cool:
He was also a good actor. Very understated and believable on screen. The world has suffered another loss as it is wont to do.
Between this and Utah Phillips dying, my birthday's going to kind of suck a little.


A great filmmaker and a fairly damn decent actor, too.

Especially in Michael Clayton.