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watch "Quint Goes to Hell: The Special Edition"- TRAILER!

Posted below is a link to my trailer for "Quint Goes to Hell: The Special Edition"

In 1995 I made a short video before I graduated college.
It was sort of a slap in the face of the guy that was assigned to help me, but didn't.
I made the film on my own with some cronies that played in a jam band. When it came time to turn it in, I gave half-credit to my useless classmate and played it for the class without allowing him to prescreen it. He was not happy about that at all.

I didn't expect the class to enjoy it as much as they did.

Anyway-- we had a "cut's only" editing system back then, without even the option of adding titles.
I had no way to do any post-production, so my tale of a witless soul that sells himself to satan for the love of RC Cola was never what I envisioned.

Until now...
