editing Questions about Premiere editing

Hi everybody,
a beginner in editing here. I'm editing my first short film (shot with a RED Scarlet). Got a couple of questions before I begin, dont want to mess up before I begin so I have to re-do a bunch of stuff afterwards. I've tried to google this and watched tuturials but don't feel that I have a 100 % grip of the questions below.
I'm using Premiere and Creative Cloud so everything is the latest version.

Any answer on any of these questions are appreciated if you are kind enough to share your wisdom with me.

1. How do I connect the proxy files to the original R3D files in Premiere?
2. Should I keep all the RED/R3D files within only one folder or is it OK if they are split up in several folders like this:
A002_755454 and so on.

I've read somewhere that its easier if they are only in one folder like the proxies? And they should have the exact same name? So when they reconnect before final export, it takes less time?

3. If editing is locked, which process is the easiest to export everything to Speedgrade, grade everything and then back to Premiere?
Will transitions,dissolves, subtitles disappear in Speedgrade or will everything remain intact?

4. How do you go online and/or offline in Premiere? I know about the terms, just curious about what it means in a practical sense in Premiere.

5. Whats the easiest way to create proxies for 5K 3RD files? I know that you can use the "Ingest" function in Premiere or Media encoder. But I'm wondering whats the easiest and less time consuming way and which format should I choose in my case?

5. Any tips on the folder structure in the project bin of Premiere? And if I should watch out any timeline/sequence settings before I begin?

6. If I want to export only one file to After Effects from the Premiere timeline, put some effect on, and back to Premiere timeline, whats the easiest process for this?

7. I'm doing two versions of this film, meaning one without subtitles and one with english subtitles. Can I just have two sequences/timelines within the same project?

8. When the timeline has a red line showing, do I have to render all the clips or can I just continue editing and render later? Any risks?

9. We used timesync between the audio and the RED camera during set, so I'm wondering if theres any smart way of connecting the audio WAV files to the video files or do you just have
to do this manually? The sound is recorded with polywav files (meaning that its only one file in the folder, but when you open in editing software it branches out several files within that one file, boom sound, microphone sound and so on).

10. Anything more I should secure/check concerning settings etc. before I start editing? Or pitfalls to look out for?

Appreciate any help!