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Question about using set extensions.

I am going to Vancouver soon to shoot some establishing shots in the mountains for a feature film. Then after I am going to shoot the rest of the movie in Saskatchewan or Alberta, most likely. I will add set extensions to match the locations. However, how do you know if set extensions will match? Do filmmakers look at several set extensions, then go out scouting locations that will match those extensions, or is it better to do it the other way around and shoot first, then match?
Careful lighting. Even if it's the sun, make sure it's from the same direction and the same relative amount of cloudiness when you shoot. You may have to watch the weather carefully and take careful notes... make sure you've got "cover sets" for when the weather doesn't cooperate, so you can shoot other stuff while you're waiting on Mother nature to turn and meet your needs.
Practice at home first.

"Extend" what's around you immediately so that you can better understand what to do and not to do after you've traveled a bit outta the way.

Knowing vs. guessing.
Oh, and Video Copilot has your tutorial... I'll let you look it up this time. I've found alot of them for you... time to build a little bit of self sufficiency. Although, you should start at #1 and work through all of them to current!