Question about using Premiere Pro.

When I export a video, the program seems to only give me one export destination option. It keeps wanting to save to one computer harddrive, when I would like it to save to an external one, plugged in. The computer harddrive is full, which is why.

But it will save to an external. It only gives the option of saving to the desktop, and the option is not 'click-able', so I cannot change the destination. Anyone have any issues with this?

Works fine on my machine.

Try plugging the external hard drive in. If that fails, try turning it on. I also suggest that you don't let your primary hard drive(s) get so full. Make some space. The error is probably coming from another issue.

I'm going to assume this falls into the user error category.
Which Premiere Pro are you using?
I have CS5.5 and when exporting I click on "Output name" and it shows me a dialog asking where to save it. Now if this dialog is locked to you, try clicking on the path bar at the top and writing the path manually.

If you can't click the "Output name" try exporting it to Media Encoder and there it should work.