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Question about how you people prefer to edit action scenes.

There are two ways I can think of doing an edit when it cuts to one angle from the next. I can do it for continuity. What I'll do is look at an action scene shot from two different angles. Then decide to edit it, where the continuity matches up best.

Or I decide to edit it, when I think the perfect amount of time and flow has gone by between shots, and forget about continuity cause rhythm matters more. Of course it still has to match somewhat, and you just can't do it anywhere. Which style of editing is better?
What do you mean, "you people"?!


(I'm quite impressed with how many unnecessary words you've managed to squeeze in before the only relevant bit of the thread title.)

If I had to pick one option (and I think it's rarely as black and white a choice as you make it out to be), I'd sacrifice perfect continuity for flow and rhythm - but that's not to say it's the right decision for every cut.