Quentin Tarantino's new movie leaked

Not that it will probably do anything more than dent Tarantino's rep for like a week or never, but that's messed up. I wouldn't do that to anyone even if they pissed me off, and they're a bad person, and they were richer and happier than me...I think it just makes that guy look like a loser.

(Or it's all fake)

Either way, what a dumb world we live in. :grumpy:
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I agree. You know, who knows? That Hollywood. After Alexander bombed I think there will be a lot of ass covering and backstabbing too. I'm looking forward to those dramas at the Warner Bros headquaters.
halibot22 said:
I agree. You know, who knows? That Hollywood. After Alexander bombed I think there will be a lot of ass covering and backstabbing too. I'm looking forward to those dramas at the Warner Bros headquaters.

Agreed...Yea...i heard Alexander was almost all dialogue...but not all the critics are always correct, so i must see it for myself. That guy did sound like an idiot..same thing happened in another thread to an indetalk member, i think it was John Jordan.
I'll save judgement on if this is fake or not until after I read the scripts.

But on the subject of posting the scripts because of hatred for QT, this nothing but good for him. Remember how earliy the Kill Bill script hit the web? All it did was generate buzz for the movie. And look at how successful that project turned out to be.

Tarantiniacs will read these scripts and profess them to be the best scripts they've ever read. Scoopsters like Harry Knowles will read these and agree with the Tarantiniacs. Eventually the movies will be shot and the buzz will be so big on the internet that both films will have big opening weekends.

When you look at it like that, it could possibly be Harvey Weinstein that leaked these scripts.

Michael Moore should do a doc about that.
