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watch Promotional Video

Nicely done. A few constructive critiques:

1. It feels a bit long. I think not all of that content needs to be in there, and it could be significantly paired down. Also, I don't think I would have any of those blank spaces in which there is no narration.
2. The interview footage of the two dudes, the 2-shot, I feel like they've got too much head-room. Might you crop that down?
3. Maybe this is just a stylistic thing, but I'm generally not a fan of fades, and I don't really like how they're used here. I personally think hard cuts would work better.

Nice work, man. Especially since this was a rushed project.

Guerrilla, what's wrong with vimeo? I think it's the best.
Thank you for your input! I'll see what the client has to say about the length. I also might change the fades, see how hard cuts look.. 13 hours of editing got me headache, gotta take a break :-D
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Nicely shot. Could use some close-ups of the orchestra and their pitch was longwinded. Maybe aim for a tight 3 minutes? Short and sweet can't be beat. ;)
very well said haha

i wish i had some orchestra closeups, unfortunately i was told i cant be on the stage. Oh well, not the end of the world.

thanks for watching!
If you can cut out alot of the "Ums..." You'll make it feel faster. Tighten up the dialog a bit -- expecially when the dialog is under other footage, you can trim out pauses and tighten up the "ums" to speed up without losing the speaker's cadence. It'll also make him sound more confident in his presentation.

I love orchestral music! I hope this campaign goes well for them.