Promises Promises

Does anyone else just get so tired of empty promises and BS artists in this business that you want to leave it, or walk away awhile?

Who do you mean by artists? Actors?

Hang in there. Sometimes it takes some weeding out the wannabes before you build a trusted team around you. There's a lot of talk and name dropping in this industry.
Tip #1: Surround yourself with people who are more suited to how you do things.
Tip #2: Understand that people are looking out for their own best interests, not yours. You need to create win/win situations where both parties are truly working towards the same goals.

People will let you down. It's a fact of life. Sometimes the reasons are good, sometimes they're not so good. Sometimes it's going to be at the worst possible time. You should try your best to have a backup plan in case this happens.

At my last workplace, part of my job was to gather an entire staff who volunteers who were reliable, qualified, who often were expected to work 14 to 17 hour days. It's a lot of hard work to put your teams together, but if you do it right, it's magic.
Belleabelle and Sweetie I can see you both know what I mean. The weeding process takes time. It sucks when there are producers and distributors like that too

The industry just has too many BS artists.