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watch Project: Sin

It looks nice, perhaps a bit contrasty for my taste, but not so much that it particularly bothers me.

I would, however, like to mention that the lust monologue seems more Stage-Acted than Screen-Acted. She doesn't seem nuanced, and instead seems to chew the scene in a fashion that comes across to me as unnatural, and as such, unappealing. The actress seems like she could do the part well enough, but I'd really suspect that she has a theater background, and her performance is informed by that. I'd suggest trying to guide her performance in a more conversational direction, while still keeping everything sexy, and it could really enhance the scene. Just my opinion.
Here's the Lust monologue! Let me know what you guys think. :)


I like where you are going with this video, lust personafied. It's a fun idea and definitely not hard to look at lol!

This would have worked better, especially with the length of the video, if it had been intercut with examples of what she was talking about.

Example: When she is talking about the guy looking at the woman he knows he can never have, would have been great to see her start that line...cut to a man with eyes fixed on a "10" across the room, as Lust continues her words as a narration over the clip...and then back to her in the chair.

Either way, Good luck!