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Proejcts with Money & Attachments

I have two projects (High Def) ready to go in front of the cameras over the next 3 months. They are both action genre films budgeted at around $250-$275k USD.

The first film has over $100k USD written up in investment with $60kUSD pending.
The second film has over $80k USD written up in investment with $60kUSD pending.

We are looking top secure the short fall.

Both projects have IMDB credited US genre actors (with over 100 films and TV shows between them). The production team have a proven track record of making profitable films and our producing team includes an award winning Australian producer with over 40 years in the indutsry.

Any serious investors please contact prodcuer Phil Hobden on phil@mod-life.com

For more on us: www.mod-life.com
For more on our first film : www.left4dead.co.uk
Read my blog http://philhobden.blogspot.com