Production delays - cast personal problems

As I learn the creative and technical process of making a narrative short film, I am also learning some harsh realities about botched production schedules and how real-life can easily get in the way of the imagination. Just when I thought I was on the right track with the story, life imitated art. Tonight I learned my principal cast, husband, wife and daughter, could very well be on the path to divorce for real and not just among their characters. Ironically, what would become the final draft and shooting script may have hit closer to home than I could have imagined. I have to say I at least chose the right people for their respective characters because they would have a lot to draw upon to bring my characters to life. I can't help but wonder if I didn't write the characters and story based on subtle clues, my subconscious picking up the hidden subtext in their words and body language and playing it out in my daydreams. I suppose the positive from this is that I could do well in the casting process for future projects if I really can see through people, see who they really are inside.

Wierd. :weird:
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Perhaps reading your script they were enlightented to the subtle quirks and nuances of their own personalities finally realizing they were not compatible/ causing bitter arguments long into the night... Perhaps your narative has torn this once loving family apart... Perhaps you sir... Are a homewrecker...

...but probably not :)
That's the strange part. They hadn't read it yet because I haven't written it yet. It was a planned rewrite. My wife and I vacationed with them last week, and I shared the rewrite idea with the husband. He looked me square in the eye and said I needed to let his wife read it first and get her approval because it may be hitting a little too close to home. :crazy: