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Problem with 1920x816 matte

Hi everyone,

I have an issue I was wondering if I could get some help on. My new short film was shot with 2:35 in mind, so I've placed a 1920x816 matte over the project in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.21, which works perfectly, hides the boom, etc. BUT, there's one wide shot that is nearly to my liking, except for a TINY edge of a piece of art located on the top right of the frame. It's barely there, but, I'd like it gone. I can crop the matte a little more down just to hide it then match the bottom to that adjustment too.

The problem is, I don't know what size that would be, and I can't resize the matte that was made for me. Can someone tell me a way to create one myself so that I can customize it to crop the frame a little more? Here's a frame to give you an idea:

