
Fellow film enthusiasts I need to vent my thoughts. I just finished watching a recent released film called "Primer" and it blew my mind. It was probably one of the best stories I've seen in some time, and what made it so good to me was that although the plot was quite complex and bit confusing, the basic elements of the film were so simple like It could really be done by someone like me without an enormous budget. Anyway I thought this film was amazing and hopefully some of you have seen it so I have someone to help me sort it all out before I go insane!!
Its on my netflix list, and as soon as I get around to returning what I've got now it should come in the next shipment..

I forget the figure I heard, but I know their budget was pretty low, maybe on par with 'El Mariachi' ... the $7000 range? But for some reason I think I heard it was even less than that. :D
I just watched it the other night. I agree with your assessment that the actual filming of the movie was done quite simply, and it was the storyline that made it seem more complex than it was. I guess it goes to show how far a good story and script can take you.

I think it is the kind of movie that one would need to see at least twice in order to fully appreciate it. Unfortunately for me, it was only a two-day rental and I had to return it after only one I only half-appreciate it. :) I may think of more to say on it later...
The original budget for Primer was indeed $7,000 dollars. And unlike El Mariachi, it didn't need an expensive sound remix to ready it for festivals.

The thing I love about Primer (and I've seen it about four times now) is the fact that it's an extremely complex story told simply. Also, it does not slap the viewer across the face, it allows the viewer to use their brain and figure things out on their own. I love that.

Great movie.

yeah I agree on having to watch it more than once and I purchased it so wathcing it again won't be much of a problem(sorry john). what a movie for $7000. I'm an aspiring film maker so seeing this film really got me pumped about making my ideas into realities. For any of you who haven't seen this movie I suggest you go to where movies are rented or sold and rent it or buy it and watch it then put it in a safe for a year then watch it again, it will change your life!! A little Will Farrel Actors Studio for those of you who didn't catch that one.
Poke said:
The original budget for Primer was indeed $7,000 dollars. And unlike El Mariachi, it didn't need an expensive sound remix to ready it for festivals.

The thing I love about Primer (and I've seen it about four times now) is the fact that it's an extremely complex story told simply. Also, it does not slap the viewer across the face, it allows the viewer to use their brain and figure things out on their own. I love that.

I saw Primer a few weeks back and really dug it. Like you, I liked the fact it wasn't dumbed down for the audience. It is a complex story told simply yet if you don't know much about physics it is a little confusing (though you can figure it out with a little thinking).

And knowing features are still being made, and picked up, for $10,000 or less gives me hope. I'm in development on a feature horror film budgeted right in that area.