cinematography Prime lenses, what do u recommend and from where?

Hey Guys as the title states I'm look for some prices on lenses. I am shooting with a Canon XL-2 with a 35mm adapter. I was curious what you recommend to buy. I'm sure this is subject to what ever price range you want to be in but I'm looking for good cinematic primes in the 500-2500 dollar range. I'm thinking on starting off with a 50mm, 100mm and a wide angle. I think this would cover most of the shots I plan to use in my projects. So any advice on price ranges and where to buy them from would be great. Thanks!

I'm not sure what 35mm adapter you're referring to but I'm guessing your looking into the still lens market. Actual cinema lenses from companies like Cooke or Angenieux are going to be very far from your price range (unless you rent them, they are individually a small fortune). They also are a different mount than 35mm slr lenses. Anyways, if a little lens breathing doesn't bother you then I'd recommend Nikons. I have a small collection and I assure you they look very nice. Id say go with the newer Nikkor AIS lenses. Namely a 28mm f2.8, 50mm f1.4, and 85mm f1.8 . is a good place to get cheaper lenses if your worried about budgeting for new lenses.

Hope this helps

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