
I just saw this on NoFilmSchool --

PressPausePlay is a documentary about the digital/internet/indie revolution that is/has been going on. It looks very well-shot and well-put together.

I'm currently having issues getting the AIR application to work, but from the snippets I've seen it seems like the ultimate hipster film :D
Hey it is pretty interesting. Thanks for recommending it. You probably won't hear much that you haven't already heard on discussion forums like I.T., but probably by virtue of being part of the film's subject matter to some degree or another, I'll bet most I.T.ers would find it interesting. It is pretty well shot and pretty well put together. I only had one very minor qualm. Somewhere close to the middle there seemed to be just a couple of moments of filler, that is, a few random cuts of images that didn't seem to have much point or make much though they we're trying to stretch the length of the film. But very minor.

I liked it.